Monday, 26 May 2014

Rebecca Moving Image : Mistake Film

"Mistake Footage"

Our task as a group was to take footage showing an example of backlighting and of motor zooming. 

Backlighting : Is when the light hits the subject from behind giving the subject a Silhouette type of look. 

In our example we filmed Mikayla outside using the natural light to hit her from behind to make it difficult to see her features. 

Motor Zooming : No matter how nifty your wide-range, multi-speed, auto- zoom feature may be, the fact is that on-screen zooms are a dull waste of viewer time and professionals don't use them except in two circumstances.

As we did more research on moving image we realised that motor zooming isn't the best option to use, the best thing that you can do when you want to focus in on a person is to Dolly into that person.

1 comment:

  1. nice to see that you have made a start on the Blogger, hobbs
