Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Time Space and Motion Week Two

It's Paper

It's paper is a stop motion video of different ways people travel and the reason why I decided to use this video for the journey part of my blog is because being able to create these pieces with details, then using the pieces to create a film is a long and hard journey on its own. Another way that you can see journey in this clip is by watching the cars in traffic, the people walking around, along with the planes and the helicopter departing the paper airport.

In the beginning of the short clip the video goes from a blackout to a circle slowly exposing what the video truly is about, which is the vehicles made out of paper traveling on the road. The first camera shot technique that they use is the "zoom," they use the zoom shot by starting off as a close up zooming out into a wide shot camera view. The wide shot camera view then cuts into a very wide shot camera view once the scene changes. Then after the scene changes again it shows a panning technique as it goes into a close up. 

Time Space and Motion Week One

Art Involving The Traffic Theme

I chose to write my blog about this piece of work because i found it interesting as to how someone can take an ordinary well known, often seen object and form it into something humorous for not only the enjoyment of the artist or children but also to enlighten the mood of most adults. When I clicked on the image to get further knowledge on the art piece itself it didn't quite mention the person behind it, instead the person who wrote about it mentioned a man named Peter Gibson. Peter Gibson is well known for his effect on to the public through his art work as apart of road work. 

This is an example of Peter Gibson's work. He took a ordinary pedestrian crosswalk and turned it into a washed out fish. When I look as his work I see it as a push for imagination and by that what I mean is when you look at his work compared to how the spot is normally supposed to look like it makes you think outside of the box and see things that no one else would normally see. People look at a pedestrian crosswalk as just thick lines symbolizing that it is in fact a crosswalk but Gibson looks at it and sees something completely different such as the washed out fish.